Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Blogging: an introduciton

I feel like a boring person. I’m just sitting on the couch, figuring out how to blog. My dog is laying to my right, napping like a cat, but all flopping around like a rag-doll dog.

The apartment is still disorganized. The house is all sorts of in a funk I don’t even want to think about. And I’m just sitting here picking up blogs.

It’s kind of weird. I’m indecisive, so I’m testing three different blogging formats. I’m not sure who’ll win yet. I’m testing out blogspot.com, wordpress.com, and tumblr.com.

The blogspot, I’ve had for almost three years now, but I’ve cleared out my old posts, given it a new name and background. Then there’s the wordpress that looks cool when I read blogs that use it, but it’s a little hard to navigate the dashboard and I’m never sure if it looks like I want it to on the front page. And then there’s the tumblr, which looked easy to navigate at first blush but then decided to also throw me for some loops. Looks like I’ve got some learning to do.

Anyways, I hope I get some momentum on this, where I can actually be entertaining and whatnot.

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